Chargeback Prevention Program
With High Risk Pay, your business can reduce, contest, and win chargebacks, reduce fraud, and recover lost sales.

In as little as 48 hours, your business can…
Reduce chargebacks
Eighty-six percent of cardholders do not contact merchants before they file a dispute. This leads to chargebacks, fees, penalties, and may ultimately cost you your processing privileges. Our alerts help you get out in front of chargebacks and reduce your ratios.
Reduce fraud
High Risk Pay helps you identify and red flag fraud-prone accounts and affiliates, so you can stop fraud before further losses occur. Early chargebacks may even help you intercept fulfillment of disputed purchases.
Contest and win chargebacks
Fighting chargebacks can be time consuming and expensive. But they can be won. Our automated systems compile your case and submit the challenge. Our win rate is twice the industry average and we’re only paid after we win.
Recover lost sales
Studies show that decline rates for recurring orders run 25% – 30% and 33% of the orders that merchants reject are actually good. Our systems pick up on these situations and alert you, so you can recover the sale and the customer.
Why choose High
Risk Pay as your merchant
services provider ?

We offer high risk merchant accounts to all business types in high risk categories.

We offer high risk merchant accounts to all business types in high risk categories.

We offer high risk merchant accounts to all business types in high risk categories.
High Risk Pay works with your existing payment processor and technology
“No set-up fees, just a small monthly charge and a fee per chargeback alert.”
Two leading platforms in one improved service
There are many chargeback abatement and mitigation services on the market, and each has their own strengths and weaknesses. We found, as merchants ourselves, that we could get the optimal solution by putting the two leading solutions together.
- CHARGEBACK MANAGEMENT – Even if your strategy is to refund disputes before they result in chargebacks, there’s still that additional cost in time and effort to manage the program. High Risk Pay’s free chargeback management saves that time. We help you tune the service to work with your business model.
- IMPROVED EFFICIENCY AND REPORTING -With High Risk Pay, you gain the benefits of using both leading chargeback mitigation platforms, but without paying for the redundant alerts or overlapping report data.
Learn more about high risk gateway merchant accounts and ecommerce merchant accounts.

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